FREE CE Webinar “Un(be)friended : Aging Alone By Choice Or By Circumstance”

Disclaimer For all CE Events: 

Criteria for successful completion include attending the entire session and turning in an evaluation form. Social Workers, Certified Case Managers and RNs participating in this course will receive 1 (one) hour of continuing education. This session is targeted for case managers, social workers, discharge planners, nurses and other health care professionals.  The faculty and planning committee have declared no conflict of interest.

Hurley Elder Care Law (#1598) is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) through the Approved Continuing Education (ACE) Program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit.  ACE Provider Approval Period:  11/29/2024 – 11/29/2027.  Social workers completing this course receive 1 general hour of continuing education credit.

This program has been submitted to the Commission for Case Management Certification for approval to provide board certified case managers with 1 (one) contact hour.

Provider approved by the California Board of registered Nursing Provider Number CEP 16937, for 1 (one) contact hour.  BRN approval extends only to continuing education courses and does not include tour arrangements.

Certificates will be available at the completion of the program and receipt of a completed evaluation.  There is no cost for attendees. Programs fees are noted where applicable. Cancellations must be made 48 hours prior to program start for a refund. Any requests for refunds must be submitted electronically to with 5 business days of program end.   For further information, accommodations for disability, grievances or other concerns, please contact the Director of Continuing Education at 404-843-0121.

  • Please indicate your agreement/disagreement with the following statements by circling the appropriate number for each statement.
  • Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
    1. The course material was appropriate to my education, experience, and/or licensure level
    2. Teaching format/length was suitable to content
    3. Content matched the course description
    4. Participant/instructor interaction was sufficient
    5. Audiovisual aids were legible and helpful
    6. Course material presented the course content effectively
    7. Course material is relevant to my practice
    8. The course material was current
    9. Registration process was straightforward
    10. My questions or concerns were addressed effectively and in a timely manner
    11. The course location was suitable
    12. The facilities were conducive to learning
    13. The instructions for requesting accommodations for a disability were clear
  • Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
    14. Presenter seemed knowledgeable concerning topics covered
    15. Presenter was well prepared/organized
    16. Instructor used technology effectively
    17. Concepts were clearly explained
    18. Presenter answered questions satisfactorily
    19. Information was presented in a fair, balanced and unbiased manner
    20. Presenter was effective in conveying the material clearly
  • Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
    21. Participant should be able to identify three sources to pay for long-term care in Georgia
    22. Participant should be able to name two services covered by the Community Care Services Program (CCSP)
    23. Participant should be able to identify two requirements for ABD Medicaid eligibility in Georgia
    24. Participant should be able to explain at least two of the service requirements for VA Aid and Attendance
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.