Hurley Elder Care Law
Today, seniors are living longer often with complex medical issues and a disjointed family support structure. During the month of October, we will look at aging for the 21st century “modern” family and explore the unique issues today’s seniors are facing. According to the US Census Bureau, one in five adults age 65-74 live alone…
Read MoreOur September newsletter discussed the importance of including your pets in your estate plan. After sending our newsletter, we received a great deal of interest in Pet Trusts so we thought we would share more information about Aging Ally for our pet lover followers. Pet owners aging without a limited support structure Hurley Elder Care…
Read MoreThe September 15, 2020 executive order from the Governor’s office is providing a pathway for long-term care facilities like skilled nursing facilities and assisted living communities to engage in additional activities including family visitations. Long-term care facilities have borne the brunt of COVID-19 infections and fatalities and a measured approach to a gradual reopening is welcome…
Read MoreIn our September newsletter, we discussed the benefits of creating a pet trust. Today we will explore some of the intricacies of pet trusts as well as the importance of working with an attorney experienced in the creation of a pet trust. Planning for your pets should be part of your estate planning. The benefits…
Read MoreWhat is a pet trust and how can establishing one, help you take care of your furry friends? For many of us, a pet is a true part of the family. According to the ASPCA, about 44% of households have a dog, while 35% have a cat. There are proven health benefits to owning a…
Read MoreZoom meetings have been a lifesaver for businesses as well as families. Whether you are staying connected with your grandkids in a different state or communicating with clients, technology has allowed us to build and maintain meaningful relationships. At Hurley Elder Care Law, we utilize Zoom video conferencing because it is easy to use…
Read MoreSeniors and those at a higher risk for contracting the virus should stay home if they don’t have to go out. However, that may not be an option for everyone. For those who don’t have loved ones nearby to assist with tasks like grocery shopping or banking, it is especially important to exercise caution when…
Read MoreIn our May newsletter, we discussed changes to Georgia Nursing Home Medicaid due to the COVID-19 crisis. We all hoped the changes would be short lived and everyone could go back to “normal.” However, the effects of COVID-19 are proving to be more long-lasting. Our clients and their families have experienced unique and challenging situations.…
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