Long-Term Care

Nursing home regulations

A major update in nursing home care regulations

By Miles Hurley | April 30, 2024

Last week the Biden Administration announced a pivotal update to nursing home care regulations, introducing the final Nursing Home Minimum Staffing Rule. This significant regulatory change in nursing home regulations aims to enhance the quality of care for residents in facilities that receive federal funding through Medicare and Medicaid. What’s new? Under the new rule,…

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How to cope with rising elder care costs

How to cope with rising elder care costs

By Miles Hurley | December 5, 2023

Last weeks Hurley Elder Care blog explored the financial devastation many families face as they navigate the rising cost of elder care. We looked at some of the reasons behind the spike in costs including labor shortages, facility maintenance and the specialized services required by those facing chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.  What strategies are available…

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Rising cost of elder care

The Rising Cost of Elder Care

By Miles Hurley | November 28, 2023

The aging population is growing at an unprecedented rate worldwide, and with it comes a rising demand for elder care services. While providing the best possible care for aging loved ones is a top priority for many families, the rising cost of elder care can be financially devastating. Elder care costs encompass a broad spectrum…

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long-term care insurance

Should I buy long-term care insurance?

By Miles Hurley | August 29, 2023

During our many presentations throughout the year long-term care insurance (LTCI) is one of the most popular topics our attendees ask questions about. It might be hard to imagine now, but chances are you’ll need some help taking care of yourself later in life. The big question is: How will you pay for care? Buying…

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women and aging

Women and Aging: An Often-Complicated Journey

By Miles Hurley | August 30, 2022

Simply stated… women must plan for a long retirement and the possibility of long-term care. Why? You may ask. You might be surprised to learn a 65-year-old female in the US has an average life expectancy of another 20.8 years. Also, a child born in the US in 2007 has a 50% chance of living…

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long-term care insurance

Long Term Care Insurance…Use It or Lose It?

By Miles Hurley | August 23, 2022

It might be hard to imagine now, but chances are you’ll need some help taking care of yourself later in life. The big question is: How will you pay for care? Buying long term care insurance ahead of time is one way many Americans prepare for these expenses. Long-term care refers to a host of…

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Picture of Medicaid

Life Insurance and Medicaid Eligibility

By Miles Hurley | April 5, 2022

As we have pointed out in previous blogs, applying for Nursing Home Medicaid can be tricky. There are assets an applicant can have which are ‘countable’ while others are ‘exempt’. Furthermore, there are Medicaid eligibility rules even within these assets which can get the applicant denied if not addressed properly by an experienced elder law…

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Medicaid Estate Recovery

Asset Protection: It Isn’t Just for the Wealthy!

By Miles Hurley | March 1, 2022

What is an asset? The dictionary defines an asset as “something that is owned by a person, company, or organization, such as money, property, or land.” In general, there are four broad classes of assets: Equities (stocks) Fixed income and debt (bonds) Money market and cash equivalents. Real estate and tangible assets. A house, like…

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Racial disparity in healthcare

What are the differences between Home Care and Home Health?

By Miles Hurley | February 15, 2022

Most older adults desire to “age in place.” What do we mean by this? Aging in place is a term used to describe a person living in the residence of their choice, for as long as they are able, as they age. This includes being able to have services brought into the home as care…

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Medicaid journey

Wrapping up our Medicaid journey

By Miles Hurley | March 30, 2021

We are wrapping up our Medicaid journey. We have been able to explore many side roads, obstacles and rarely discussed long-term care programs along the way. In our weekly blogs we have spent time talking about: *2021 Eligibility Requirements and Changes * Applying for Nursing Home Medicaid in GA * Medicaid for Single People *Medicaid…

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