Hurley Elder Care Law


Resources for our community

Future Changes in Senior Housing

February 2, 2018

There are significant changes you’re likely to see in senior housing in the next 10 years or so, based on need, a more assertive generation, and changing societal lifestyles. The baby boomer generation is more demanding and will push to do things in their own way. Retirement and senior living communities will have to respond…

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Staying Happy as You Age

January 29, 2018

Happiness starts early; it is not something you try to begin as you enter your elder years. Growing research shows that people who are generous live longer, have fewer diseases and are happier. Working to increase the strengths of wisdom, generosity and gratitude when we’re young will keep us from feeling so alone when we…

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Landmark Legislation: RAISE Family Caregivers Act

January 26, 2018

The Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act has been signed into law on January 22, 2018. The RAISE Family Caregivers Act will address the needs of our nation’s family caregivers through the development and implementation of a coordinated national strategy. The new law directs the Department of Health and Human Services…

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How is Competency Determined by a Court?

January 23, 2018

Only a person deemed to be incompetent by a judge can have a guardian or conservator named over him/her. The Georgia code states, “The court may appoint a guardian for an adult only if the court finds the adult lacks sufficient capacity to make or communicate significant responsible decisions concerning his or her health or…

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Guardian, Conservator, Executor, Power of Attorney—It’s all too confusing!

January 16, 2018

There are many legal terms for the roles we can play in an older adults life. Have you ever been asked if you are the guardian or the power of attorney for someone? What does it mean when you hear that someone is the executor or trustee for someone else? How about conservator—what is that?…

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Understanding Guardianship—What is it?

January 11, 2018

We often hear from concerned family members who are convinced they need to get guardianship over their loved one. Take this situation for example: a daughter calls our office after visiting an assisted living community. She is considering assisted living communities for her mom who has dementia, and one representative at a community told her…

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Myths About Aging

January 8, 2018

Deepak Chopra, M.D, put together a list of myths regarding aging people. You’ve probably heard a thousand times that as you age, your body and mind begin to “go.” You can no longer move the way you used to and your health deteriorates. This is a myth and those “facts” couldn’t be further from the truth.…

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The Sleep-Loss Epidemic

January 5, 2018

Dr. Matthew Walker, a self-described “sleep diplomat” earned his degree in neuroscience from Nottingham University, UK, and his PhD in neurophysiology from the Medical Research Council, London, UK. He subsequently became a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, USA. Currently, he is Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He…

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Virtual Dementia Tour

December 29, 2017

Trying to mimic the feelings of a person with dementia, caregivers often go through a virtual tour, aiming to increase empathy for dementia patients. Some of their experiences include the following feelings and emotions. It was dim; my world was reduced to shadows but the worst part were the spikes inside my shoes. Then there…

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Importance of a will for Medicaid planning

December 28, 2017

For married couples, updating wills and beneficiary designations are important parts of Medicaid planning. Most of our clients have “I Love You” wills that leave everything to their spouse after their death. Likewise, their assets have their spouses as the Payable on Death Beneficiaries.  This can be a huge issue if the spouse is receiving…

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