Hurley Elder Care Law
Not all persons who have Alzheimer’s disease are alike, making it difficult for both the family and doctors. Knowing the various signs or stages of the disease helps one to cope and offer the most effective help. There are seven stages of the disease, as follows: Stage One has no signs. The disease is undetectable.…
Read MoreMany family members are blindsided by this situation. They think they have everything in order so that they can pay the bills and access the accounts on behalf of their incapacitated loved one. So, they are shocked when a bank employee refuses to accept their loved one’s POA. They are effectively blocked from accessing their…
Read MoreSeniors especially are susceptible to fluid and electrolyte imbalances due to the body’s lessened ability to conserve water. Also, the sense of thirst diminishes with age. Consequently, by the time an older person actually feels thirsty, essential fluids could already be extremely low. To compound the issue, certain medical conditions and medications can affect fluid…
Read MoreThere is an opportunity to take a 10-minute online test, part of a research study to understand how memory changes as people age and how genetics are involved in the process. The goal is to learn more about the connections between memory and aging and to be able to understand brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s…
Read MoreThere is a new push to change Georgia’s laws so that Medicaid dollars could also be used to pay for assisted living facilities. The Coalition of Advocates for Georgia’s Elderly (CO-AGE) has finalized their 2018 advocacy priorities, and this topic was selected as one of their 3 legislative issues for 2018. We all know…
Read MoreHow and when to grieve is sometimes unclear. When do we grieve a terminal diagnosis? Do we grieve now or when a loved one passes? Do we grieve a dementia patient now, or when the person is physically gone? We are constantly torn between good times and bad, between positive associations and uncertain loss.…
Read MoreMany parents expect that their children will take care of them when they get older, but the truth is, many children do not, according to what social workers tell us. Some people are surprised at this..…who doesn’t take care of their parents when they get old? A little research showed that more people than…
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