Hurley Elder Care Law


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Nursing Home Medicaid for Married Couples—What if the Well Spouse is Still Working

April 26, 2017

This whole month we have been exploring Nursing Home Medicaid eligibility questions for Married Couples. The Medicaid rules are confusing, and this is especially true for married couples. In recent blogs and newsletters, we have addressed income issues for married couples when one spouse is seeking Nursing Home Medicaid. Adding to the complexity, let’s consider…

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Stroke and Dementia Risks from Soda

April 24, 2017

New research studies are suggesting health risks associated with both artificially sweetened drinks and sugary sodas. Although there is not an actual connection between risk of stroke and dementia associated with drinking the sodas, the American Heart association indicates there may be a link, with greater work needed to confirm their theory. There is growing…

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Stretch Yourself to Succeed

April 21, 2017

It is time to stop worrying about what you don’t have and to start being productive with what you already do have. Realize that having less can jump-start you to become more creative. You are forced to view problems and solutions in a new light and perhaps will discover a better approach. Research shows that…

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Help for Sundowning

April 19, 2017

Many Alzheimer’s patients experience a late afternoon or early evening change in personality. Called sundowning, a change in light seems to trigger a cognitive response that gets progressively worse as the hours of the day go on, but remedies itself by morning. Doctors are unsure of why it happens, but it’s more likely to happen…

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Nursing Home Medicaid for Married Couples—Allowable Expenditures

April 19, 2017

We have mentioned that many nursing home residents pay their whole income, minus $50, to the nursing home leaving Medicaid to pay the remainder of the nursing home bill. In addition to the $50 personal needs allowance, Georgia allows its nursing home residents who are receiving Medicaid benefits to also pay certain bills out of…

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Alzheimer’s Research to Focus on Prevention

April 17, 2017

Prevention of Alzheimer’s is a more likely outcome than finding a cure, according to David Geldmacher, MD, director of the Division of Memory Disorders in the Department of Neurology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Effort at finding a cure for Alzheimer’s is still a goal, but due to advanced learning in the…

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Nursing Home Medicaid for Married Couples—Understanding the QIT

April 12, 2017

We are continuing our series of newsletters and blogs on Nursing Home Medicaid for Married Couples. The eligibility rules for Medicaid can be confusing, and this is especially true if the person seeking Medicaid has a spouse. In today’s blog, we want to address how the QIT (the Qualified Income Trust, or Miller Trust) is…

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FDA Approval Causes Concern

April 10, 2017

The FDA, (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) has empowered individuals by authorizing direct access to information about genetic health risks through tests provided by 23andMe, a personal genetics company. The company offers information about genetic mutations and DNA variations that have been shown to increase the risk of disease. Although the FDA approved the 23andMe…

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New Findings on a Root Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease

April 7, 2017

The sticky plaques made up of the protein called beta-amyloid fill the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. A group of Harvard scientists believe the plaques may form a protection to the brain from viruses, bacteria or other pathogens instead of being harmful. Their study suggests that the disease may be triggered when the brain’s immune system…

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Positive Outlook Correlates with Good Health

April 6, 2017

Scientific data indicates that older people play by different social rules than younger people, so many negative observations about elders are not justified. It seems that being nice and presenting a positive image to gain people’s appreciation ceases to be a major motivator as people age.  Social niceties are of less concern to older people,…

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