Hurley Elder Care Law


Resources for our community

The Cost of Care

March 30, 2017

Lincoln Financial Group’s (NYSE:LNC) annual What Care Costs study finds that national averages for long-term care expenses range from $47,840 for a full-time home health aide to $102,911 for a private room in a nursing home. Costs differ significantly by state. The study findings, including state-by-state details, are available to consumers and advisors through an…

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Resources for our community

Home Exercise Equipment for People Over 50

March 30, 2017

Too busy for a gym? Joint problems? Bad back? Motivation Waning? You can get into shape at home by tailoring equipment to your particular needs and budget. Here are a few options: A rowing machine gives a great cardiovascular workout with minimal wear and tear on your joints. Works out arms, legs, chest, back, heart…

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Fashionable Medical Alert Bracelets

March 30, 2017

You can acquire a fashionable and luxurious piece of jewelry that doubles as a medical alert device. It will be stylish and effective technology, designed to monitor health and send emergency alerts. The person hired to create this fashion statement was Iris Apfel, a fashionable 94-year-old woman. She has designed a collection in the Socialite…

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Age Courageously

March 30, 2017

As you approach the 55 to 75 age group, it is time to face an uncertain future about living longer. There is an emotional and spiritual pathway to face about getting older, so it’s time to form an action plan for your future and maybe even make peace with your next steps. You have to…

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Senior Housing Crisis

March 30, 2017

Needed: More well-designed homes for older adults. The over-whelming need is for housing to be designed for older Americans who need to live in places where car travel is not a necessity. For the skyrocketing population aged 65 and over, there is a tremendous increase in the need for affordable and safe housing that is…

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Avoid Getting Sick

March 30, 2017

Latest combined research from Carnegie Mellon, Harvard University School of Public Health, Western Kentucky University, the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center gives us insight into our continued good health. Listed below are nine habits to protect yourself from getting sick. (1)…

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Who Knew? Coffee is Antidote to Aging!

March 30, 2017

Latest research tells us that coffee provides protection against inflammation, the culprit behind a number of chronic diseases associated with aging. They include certain cancers, joint disorders and even Alzheimer’s, according to a new study that focused on the cells of coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers. It was found that older people who consumed more…

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What to Say and Do – Book

March 30, 2017

Bad things happen. As we get older, we all become better acquainted with loss and sickness and grief. And we all find ourselves in the position of wanting to support friends and family who are going through terrible experiences. But what to say? How do we reach out in sensitive, appropriate ways? Too often, we…

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Your Aging Voice

March 30, 2017

Your voice can age just as the rest of your body, making you sound older; voice problems can begin as early as age 50. Women’s voices become softer, scratchier and lower whereas men’s pitch goes up. Loud voices are a thing of the past as the loss of diameter in vocal fibers produces a more…

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Bilingual Brains May Be Less Prone to Dementia

March 30, 2017

Bilingual brains are more efficient and economical with cognitive resources than their monolingual counterparts, which may help stave off symptoms of aging and dementia, according to new research published in the journal Neurolinguistics. For the study, a team of Canadian researchers led by Ana Inés Ansaldo, Ph.D., a professor at Université de Montréal, compared functional…

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