Medicaid Planning
Thanks for sticking with us over the past few weeks, as we have explored Nursing Home Medicaid more deeply. We know it can feel overwhelming and complicated. We are sharing this information so you realize that you have options to protect your income and assets while getting necessary skilled nursing care. This is called Medicaid…
Read MoreLast week, we answered some of the most common questions about Medicaid planning for couples. Today, we’re focusing on Nursing Home Medicaid rules for individuals, specifically income limits and how they affect eligibility. What Is Nursing Home Medicaid? Medicaid is a government-funded health insurance program that helps cover the cost of long-term care for those…
Read MorePeople throw around the phrase “Medicaid Planning,” but what does it actually mean? First, when skilled nursing-level care is necessary, many families face the difficult question of how to pay the bill. Nursing homes in the Atlanta area cost over $10,000 per month! Even the most diligent savers find this difficult to sustain. Despite many…
Read MoreAs care costs continue to rise and people live longer, families often wonder how to afford long-term care for their aging loved ones. At Hurley Elder Care Law, we receive calls from concerned family members daily, seeking answers about care options, public benefits, and ways to pay for skilled nursing care. What do you need…
Read MoreBack by popular demand! We are thrilled to announce our NEW edition of Hurley Elder Care Law’s Nursing Home and Assisted Living Guide. Navigating the long-term care maze is complex and can become a full-time job. Our comprehensive 2024 Nursing Home and Assisted Living Guide is crucial as you make care decisions for your aging…
Read MoreFamily caregivers are the backbone of long-term caregiving in the US. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, about 38 million Americans spent 36 billion hours caring for adults with chronic, disabling, or serious health issues. Much of that care is provided by family caregivers and is unpaid. Recently, the state of Georgia become one of only…
Read MoreOne of the most common questions our elder law firm hears when discussing Medicaid long-term care programs is “will I lose my home”? Families have heard the term ‘Medicaid Estate Recovery’ and are concerned because to most of us, our house is our most meaningful asset both emotionally and financially. Understanding Medicaid Estate Recovery can…
Read MoreHave you recently discovered it is necessary for you or a loved one to put a Qualified Income Trust (QIT) in place to qualify for Medicaid? We introduced the reasons for a QIT in last week’s blog, but let’s dig a little deeper on the steps involved. First, the QIT must be established. The QIT…
Read MoreLast week’s blog discussed the return of Medicaid renewals and the danger to some recipients of possibly losing their benefits. We believe now is a good time to give a refresher course in the use of the Qualified Income Trust (QIT), or Miller Trust. Many people had this requirement waived under COVID-19 rules and are…
Read MoreThe Department of Community Health recently announced that Medicaid eligibility redeterminations, or Medicaid renewals, would begin on April 1, 2023. These renewals have been suspended since 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. DFCS caseworkers will begin reviewing each case in more detail and determining if the Medicaid recipient is eligible for benefits. Medicaid recipients who…
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