Advance Directives

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Advance Care Planning Tools: The Georgia Advance Directive

By Hurley Elder Care Law | April 10, 2019

[tm_pb_section admin_label=”section”][tm_pb_row admin_label=”row”][tm_pb_column type=”4_4″][tm_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] The Georgia Advance Directive for Healthcare was adopted by the Georgia legislature and put in place by the Department of Human Resources Division of Aging Services on July 1, 2007. It was created to replace the old living will and power of attorney for healthcare. Prior to 2007, Georgians could…

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A To Do List for Aging Loved Ones

By Hurley Elder Care Law | February 6, 2019

Last week we met with the adult children of an older couple that needs help. Dad was taking care of mom on a full time basis—she has been living with dementia for the last five years— until he had a stroke. Now mom is receiving 24/7 care from a home care agency while dad’s been…

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Talking to Your Loved Ones About Your Advance Directives

By Hurley Elder Care Law | January 16, 2019

The other day, we met with a family that wanted to update their wills, powers of attorney and advance directive. This was a couple in their 80s and their two adult children. As is customary in our office, we all sat around my conference room table and reviewed their current situation, their existing estate planning…

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National Healthcare Decisions Day

By Miles Hurley | April 9, 2018

On April 15, Americans will file their taxes. April 16, following Benjamin Franklin’s saying, “nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” is a day for health care decision planning. Each year, National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) is observed the day after tax day. NHDD is a day of education and awareness, aimed at encouraging…

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Guardian, Conservator, Executor, Power of Attorney—It’s all too confusing!

By Hurley Elder Care Law | January 16, 2018

There are many legal terms for the roles we can play in an older adults life. Have you ever been asked if you are the guardian or the power of attorney for someone? What does it mean when you hear that someone is the executor or trustee for someone else? How about conservator—what is that?…

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Do I need an Advance Directive or a POA?

By Hurley Elder Care Law | October 26, 2017

I have a healthcare power of attorney over my father, and I am the executor of his will. He lives in another state and is currently in a rehab facility. He has no cell phone and no way of communicating from his bed. Can I use that healthcare power of attorney to contact his bank…

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Who Decides – You or Someone Else?

By Hurley Elder Care Law | September 11, 2017

Taking responsibility for tough life decisions prevents others from having to step in and make them for you, but also allows you to discover options that can alleviate the fear. Aging is difficult, with one potential loss after another. Making your own decisions can provide some control over your aging process. Following are several decisions…

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