
Dementia doula

Dementia doula

By Miles Hurley | July 23, 2024

Doulas are not just for giving birth anymore. Over the next couple of weeks, we will explore doulas that can help aging adults. Have you heard of a dementia doula? What is a dementia doula? A dementia doula, also known as a dementia care companion, is a specialized caregiver trained to support individuals living with…

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Powerful tools for caregivers

Powerful Tools for Caregivers

By Miles Hurley | July 9, 2024

Hurley Elder Care Law just successfully completed our first series of Caregiver Classes exclusively for our caregiving clients. Last fall, our Care Coordinators, Nicole, and Kelsie, recognized that many of our clients had spouses and adult children who were burning the candle at both ends. They were tirelessly balancing their caregiver roles and responsibilities, such…

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Understanding the stages of Alzheimer's

Understanding the stages of Alzheimer’s

By Miles Hurley | June 18, 2024

Receiving an Alzheimer’s diagnosis is life-altering, initiating a journey that requires careful planning and support. Understanding the stages of Alzheimer’s and preparing for each can significantly improve the patient’s and their caregivers’ quality of life. Early Stage: Understanding and Acceptance Individuals often experience mild memory lapses in the early stage but can still function independently.…

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Keeping seniors safe in the hot weather

Keeping seniors safe in the hot weather

By Miles Hurley | May 28, 2024

As we conclude the Memorial Day weekend, the start of summer, let’s remember the crucial role caregivers play in ensuring the safety and well-being of aging adults. The combination of high temperatures and sun exposure can pose significant health risks for seniors, but with diligent care and a few precautions, caregivers can help seniors stay…

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Demystifying the discharge process

Demystifying the hospital discharge process

By Miles Hurley | April 2, 2024

Last month ACAP North Atlanta hosted a panel of experts for their March program, “My loved one is being discharged from the hospital already? Now what?”. The crowd of caregivers received answers to many questions that helped demystify the hospital discharge process.  Understanding this valuable information can make the hospital discharge process less stressful for…

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Tax deductions for assisted living costs

Navigating Tax Deductions for Assisted Living Costs

By Miles Hurley | March 12, 2024

As tax season approaches, caregivers of loved ones residing in assisted living facilities often find themselves grappling with questions about deductibility. The IRS does indeed provide guidelines for deducting certain qualified long-term care costs as medical expenses. However, when it comes to the status of Assisted Living Facility (ALF) costs, clarity has been somewhat lacking.…

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Holiday gift ideas

Holiday gifting for seniors

By Miles Hurley | December 12, 2023

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and the spirit of giving. Whether you’re shopping for a beloved grandparent or parent, this guide will help you find thoughtful and practical gifts that will brighten their holiday season and make their lives more comfortable and enjoyable.  Holiday gifting for seniors doesn’t have to be…

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How to cope with rising elder care costs

How to cope with rising elder care costs

By Miles Hurley | December 5, 2023

Last weeks Hurley Elder Care blog explored the financial devastation many families face as they navigate the rising cost of elder care. We looked at some of the reasons behind the spike in costs including labor shortages, facility maintenance and the specialized services required by those facing chronic conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.  What strategies are available…

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Rising cost of elder care

The Rising Cost of Elder Care

By Miles Hurley | November 28, 2023

The aging population is growing at an unprecedented rate worldwide, and with it comes a rising demand for elder care services. While providing the best possible care for aging loved ones is a top priority for many families, the rising cost of elder care can be financially devastating. Elder care costs encompass a broad spectrum…

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Celebrating the holidays

Celebrating the holidays when a loved one has Alzheimer’s disease

By Miles Hurley | November 7, 2023

As the holiday season approaches, families are preparing to come together and celebrate. These gatherings are a time for joy, love, and cherished traditions, but they can also present challenges when a family member is living with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia.  Celebrating the holidays when a loved one has Alzheimer’s disease takes…

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