Hurley Elder Care Law
Many older adults are aging without a safety net. The belief that every older adult has a concerned, competent, involved family member to help with medical decisions, legal decisions, bill paying, transportation, and other caregiving responsibilities is being shattered by reality. Current data estimates that almost 30% of baby boomers will age…
Read MoreOur last blog covered the top three things you should know about Georgia Nursing Home Medicaid. Coming in at #1 was: You likely don’t make too much money to qualify for nursing home Medicaid. This confuses so many families—and even professionals. Georgia does have an income cap. By having an income…
Read MoreMedicaid continues to be the largest payer of nursing home care in Georgia. The path to getting Medicaid, though, is confusing and cumbersome. We have addressed many of the questions about Medicaid through our blog and newsletter. It’s hard to understand exactly how the rules apply to you and your family. Here are the Top 3…
Read MoreWe are gearing up for a busy Fall filled with educational seminars for older adults, family members, and professionals. Hurley Elder Care Law is committed to educating and supporting our community through regular seminars that are always free to attend. Here are a few of the topics we will be speaking on this Fall:…
Read MoreWe know that over 44 million people provide unpaid care to family members and friends to help them deal with a chronic or debilitating illness. This care is worth about $375 billion, and many caregivers are sacrificing wages and financial security to help their loved ones. It is likely that you are one of these caregivers.…
Read MoreApplying for Georgia Nursing Home Medicaid can seem daunting. There are so many questions and seemingly few ways to get solid information. Hurley Elder Care Law addresses some of the most frequent questions about applying for Nursing Home Medicaid in Georgia in our most recent blog. How do you apply for Nursing Home Medicaid…
Read MoreOver the last thirteen years, we have worked with hundreds of spouses. Some are in their 80s and 90s, but many are also in their 50s and 60s. Dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and many other illnesses are not restricted to only the old-old and oldest-old. These diseases are more likely to affect those over age…
Read MoreMany families fear Medicaid estate recovery. Almost every day, we hear from a concerned family member that knows their loved one needs Medicaid, but they are afraid that, “Medicaid will come after our house.” What is Medicaid Estate Recovery? After a Medicaid beneficiary who received support for long-term services and support, either through institutional…
Read MoreNursing Home Medicaid pays for the majority of the cost of the nursing home for the majority of all Georgia nursing home residents. When we last checked, almost 80% of all nursing home residents in Georgia receiving long-term care (and not short-term rehab) are on Medicaid. Nationwide, Medicaid covers 6 in every 10 nursing home…
Read MoreLast week we published a blog on the special Medicaid laws that protect spouses. As we mentioned, Georgia laws and regulations apply different asset limits, allow for spousal diversions, and delay Medicaid estate recovery for married couples when one spouse is in the nursing home. These rules allow for a well spouse to not…
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