Hurley Elder Care Law


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Non-Medicinal Help for Acid Reflux

August 28, 2017

For the 50 million Americans who suffer from acid reflux, recommendations include non-medicinal remedies for alleviating heartburn, eliminating the dangerous side effects of proton pump inhibitors and antacids. While the solution includes modifying your lifestyle, eating to avoid reflux and reducing your medication, Dr. Jorge E. Rodriguez, gastroenterologist, has specific recommendations to follow without swallowing…

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Eye Scan Indicates Alzheimer’s

August 25, 2017

  Early indicators of Alzheimer’s disease exist within our eyes, according to researchers, meaning a non-invasive eye scan could tip us off to Alzheimer’s disease years before symptoms occur. Alzheimer’s affects the retina — the back of the eye — similarly to how it affects the brain, notes neuroscience investigators at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in California. Through a high-definition eye scan, the researchers found…

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Are retirement plans counted towards the $2,000 Medicaid limit?

August 23, 2017

Are retirement plans counted towards the $2,000 Medicaid limit? I have been told that my mom does not qualify for Medicaid because of her 401(k) plan. I’ve also been told that she can keep that fund and still get Medicaid. What do I do? I almost cashed her plan out last week.  The rules about…

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Human Diversity Peaks after 65

August 18, 2017

Our medical system does not reflect the fact that all old people are not the same. All Americans 65 and older are lumped into a single group, as if bodies and behaviors don’t change over the last half-century of life. Included in this group over 65 are the two fastest-growing segments of our population: the…

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Facebook Befriends Elder Orphans

August 18, 2017

There are about 5,000 elder orphans connected through a Facebook group, a group founded by Carol Marak, columnist and editor at To belong to this group, you have to be 55 or over, living without a spouse, having no children (or having estranged children or living far away). What started this group was an…

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Understanding Medicaid Rules: Exempt Assets and Countable Assets

August 16, 2017

To qualify for nursing home Medicaid, applicants must pass some fairly strict tests on the amount of assets they own. While the Medicaid rules themselves are complicated and tricky, it’s safe to say that a single person will qualify for Medicaid as long as he/she has only exempt assets plus a small amount of cash…

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Cremation Rate Increasing

August 14, 2017

    Cremations are quickly becoming the choice for more and more families. For the first time, more Americans are being cremated than having traditional burials, according to the National Funeral Directors Association. The cremation rate in 2016 achieved a milestone, edging past 50 percent to 50.2 percent, up from 48.5 percent in 2015, according to…

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Financial Victimization of Elders

August 11, 2017

A report by the Wall Street Journal states that 43 percent of older Americans exhibit one or more signs of financial victimization. Yet, a Merrill Lynch study indicates that phone-scammers and other spammer schemes represent only about 4.5 percent of elder financial fraud. So where does the greatest percentage of financial victimization come from? Surprisingly,…

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When to Apply For Medicaid

August 9, 2017

I want to look at the case we mentioned last week again: Sarah applied for Medicaid on behalf of her father, Don. Don owned a home that he placed in an irrevocable trust in 2014. When he first moved to the nursing home, he had about $85,000 in his checking account and a few certificates…

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Communication with the Elderly

August 7, 2017

Several tips on communication with elderly people may be helpful in coping with family relationships. Sometimes it is difficult to talk with elderly parents, especially when roles are reversed and the adult child is providing advice. Some helpful guidelines follow. Giving advice is best avoided if it hasn’t been asked for; let an outside person…

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