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WOW! What a year 2020 has been! Well, I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a year unlike any in recent memories. We will all be happy to sing Auld Lang Syne and toast to a new year at midnight on Dec. 31. For many of us, planning for 2021 will look…
Read MoreThe United States Department of Justice defines Elder Financial Exploitation this way, “a person commits financial exploitation of an elderly person or a person with a disability when he or she stands in a position of trust or confidence with the elderly person or a person with a disability and he or she knowingly and…
Read MoreWhat does the date Nov. 11th mean to you? Do you have special plans for this day? Well, to many Americans, this is a very important day because we get to honor our military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces on this federal holiday known as Veterans Day. Interesting facts about…
Read MoreIt’s that time of year again! It’s Medicare open enrollment! Do the many available plans confuse you and cause you to want to pull your hair out? Well, you’re not alone. Most of the seniors that we serve are covered by Medicare but scratch their heads when trying to decipher what the different “parts” of…
Read MoreThe MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements have shed significant light on some of the structural inequality we face in America. Incremental progress has been slowed even further by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is hard to believe the dismal statistics showing the financial vulnerability aging women face due to a lifetime of gender inequality. Making…
Read MoreToday, due to divorce, spousal death and remarriages, blended families have become the new normal. Your new aging ”blended family” should consider specialized estate planning to avoid needless family drama and financial missteps. All families have their own unique dynamic. Combining families creates its own complex dynamic and can cause conflict. The complications of aging…
Read MoreWhat is a pet trust and how can establishing one, help you take care of your furry friends? For many of us, a pet is a true part of the family. According to the ASPCA, about 44% of households have a dog, while 35% have a cat. There are proven health benefits to owning a…
Read MoreZoom meetings have been a lifesaver for businesses as well as families. Whether you are staying connected with your grandkids in a different state or communicating with clients, technology has allowed us to build and maintain meaningful relationships. At Hurley Elder Care Law, we utilize Zoom video conferencing because it is easy to use…
Read MoreSeniors and those at a higher risk for contracting the virus should stay home if they don’t have to go out. However, that may not be an option for everyone. For those who don’t have loved ones nearby to assist with tasks like grocery shopping or banking, it is especially important to exercise caution when…
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