Medicaid Misinformation Creates Poor Long-Term Care Decisions

Good Long Term Care Decisions


Last week we published a blog on the special Medicaid laws that protect spouses. As we mentioned, Georgia laws and regulations apply different asset limits, allow for spousal diversions, and delay Medicaid estate recovery for married couples when one spouse is in the nursing home. These rules allow for a well spouse to not be impoverished while caring for an ill spouse.

All too often, though, these rules are misunderstood.

And when these rules are misunderstood, families make poor decisions about their loved one’s long-term care. We often hear from spouses who do not understand the Medicaid rules, who think their only option is to bring their ill spouses home even when they doubt their ability to care for them.

Focus on the care first—get the right care for your loved one.

The decision to remove a loved one from nursing home care should not be a financial decision. If someone truly needs the 24/7 skilled care from a nursing home, that care can likely be paid for through Medicaid. That being said, we always prefer that older adults receive care in the least restrictive environment, such as at home, in a personal care home, or in an assisted living community. For some, though, nursing homes offer the best and safest care.

Seek professional advice on Medicaid eligibility.

The rules for nursing home Medicaid in Georgia are complicated and ever-changing. How Medicaid estate recovery works, how patient liabilities are determined, and how assets are counted confuse even the savviest individuals. If you are considering nursing home care for a loved one, please be sure to speak with a knowledgeable, experienced Certified Elder Law Attorney about your loved one’s rights to Medicaid.

Hurley Elder Care Law offers a complimentary phone consultation. Our Certified Elder Law Attorneys can assist you and your family with the nursing home Medicaid process. Please contact us at 404-843-0121 or here.

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