Robotic Pets

Robotic pets

Americans love their pets! Sixty-six percent of households in the U.S. (86.9 million people) own a pet.  Sometimes, aging, makes caring for a pet difficult. Perhaps the living environment isn’t conducive to the well-being of a pet. Sometimes physical limitations make it difficult to provide consistent, quality care for a pet.  Technology has provided a…

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Music Therapy

music therapy

Music therapy offers profound benefits for aging adults, particularly those living with dementia. This therapeutic approach harnesses the power of music to enhance cognitive, emotional, and social well-being. For individuals with dementia, music therapy can trigger memories, reduce agitation, and improve communication. Familiar tunes often evoke positive emotions, helping to calm anxiety and promote relaxation.…

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Multigenerational Living

Multigenerational living

Multigenerational living is rising in the United States, with more families sharing a home across multiple generations. Various factors, including economic pressures, the high cost of housing, and the growing need for caregiving for aging family members, have driven this trend. While this arrangement offers several benefits, it also presents unique challenges. Why does this…

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Regular exercise

Regular exercise

The Hurley Elder Care Law team has been swept up in the Olympic fever. Although very few of us have an Olympic athlete’s athleticism, determination, and commitment, we can still take steps to improve our health. Maintaining physical fitness becomes crucial for overall health and longevity as we age. Regular exercise helps aging adults improve…

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