Should I buy long-term care insurance?

long-term care insurance

During our many presentations throughout the year long-term care insurance (LTCI) is one of the most popular topics our attendees ask questions about. It might be hard to imagine now, but chances are you’ll need some help taking care of yourself later in life. The big question is: How will you pay for care? Buying…

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Probate in multiple states

Probate in multiple states

Probate is a word that is often dreaded by families when dealing with the death of a loved one. Last week we explained the basics of probating a will. We assist clients with the probate process and sometimes run into scenarios where they must probate in multiple states. Do you own property in more than…

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What exactly is probate?

What is probate?

  August is National Make-A-Will Month, so we feel compelled to give you another friendly reminder to take time to take care of your estate plan. Let’s face it, death is not a fun or easy topic to talk about. It is one of those things that many of us try to push to the back…

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Your pets should be part of your estate plan

Pet trust estate planning

Countless times, we have implored you to take the time to address your estate planning needs. We have pointed out the many benefits, the consequences for not planning, how it is a gift to your family and so on. Still, people tend to put it off because it isn’t pleasant and viewed as an added…

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The Danger of Heat Stroke in Seniors

Keeping seniors safe in the hot weather

Temperatures have risen to record levels this summer with little relief in sight. Seniors are particularly vulnerable to heat-related illnesses like heat stroke, which can be life-threatening if left unattended. In the 2022 summer European heat wave, 90% of the heat-related deaths were people age 65+. What is heat stroke and how can seniors mitigate…

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Being a pet owner is beneficial as you age

beneficial pet owner

Many of us are enjoying ‘fun in the sun’ activities this summer and love to include our pets. Pets provide affection and companionship to people of all ages but caring for a furry friend is especially beneficial for older adults. There are many ways you can plan to age while being a loving pet owner. Pets Improve…

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Mom won’t move into assisted living: Can I make her?

Mom won't move into assisted living

Last week’s Hurley Elder Care Law blog and newsletter article prompted some phone calls to our office with more questions about Guardianship and Conservatorship. A common call to our office is from an adult child who asks if they have “the right” to move their mother into an assisted living community against the mom’s will. In…

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The Who, What, Where, When and How of Guardianship/Conservatorship Evaluations

evaluation process

Recently we presented a community webinar, “Navigating Resistance to Care with Strength & Compassion”. We discussed Guardianship/Conservatorship as a last resort when families face resistance from their loved ones. When applying for a Guardianship/Conservatorship an evaluation is required. How does the evaluation process work? Is a Guardianship Necessary? If an individual has lost sufficient functional…

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Happy Independence Day Weekend!

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day weekend! For many of us, this day is spent celebrating with family and friends in an array of outdoor activities including backyard cookouts, swimming, and fireworks. Unfortunately, these activities are often tougher for seniors to participate in, but they still want to be included in the fun. Including older adults in group…

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Dehydration During Summer: Risks and Prevention for Older Adults

Dehydration during summer

As we just experienced the summer solstice last week and the hot July 4th holiday is around the corner, it is crucial to pay attention to the hydration needs of our bodies, especially for older individuals. Dehydration during summer,  poses a significant risk to the health and well-being of seniors.  Prevention for older adults is…

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